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Call for Papers




In the year of the 45th anniversary of the 25th of April, the 2nd Annual Meeting of Political Economy brings to the centre of debate two of the three original Ds – Democracy and Development – and adds an I that eventually contradicts them – Inequality. Without systemic rivals at the global level, increasing socioeconomic disparities, the spectrum of stagnation and democratic impotency, marks contemporary capitalism. The proposal is, then, an informed and plural collective reflection on development policies and the best scales to carry them out and legitimate; a reflection on the means, but also on the ends. 

It this in this context that the Portuguese Association of Political Economy announces the call for papers for the 2nd Annual Meeting of Political Economy, which will take place in Coimbra, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, with the theme “Democracy, Development, Inequality ”. The meeting aims at gathering all those who, in diverse disciplinary areas, consider that political economy, within the plurality of its approaches, can help deepen knowledge about the complexity of societies by taking into account their “institutional, historical and geographic contexts” and "understand the economic phenomena as eminently configured by social, political, legal, cultural, technological and environmental factors” (from Declaration of Principles].


Proposals for contributed presentations are welcome, among others, in the following areas:

         Development: contexts, actors, means and ends

         Democracy, post-democracy and integration

         Inequality, equality and public policy

         The logics of globalisation and de-globalisation

         Political economy and democratic deliberation


It can be submitted proposals of papers or symposia of 4 papers on the above themes or others relevant for the advancement of political economy.


Abstract Submission

The proposals of papers should contain:

i) Name, affiliation and e-mail address of proponent(s);

ii) Title;

iii) Abstract (500-600 words);

iv) 4 keywords.


Symposia proposals (of 4 papers) should contain:

i) Name, affiliation and e-mail addresses of symposia chair and all authors;

ii) Title of symposia and papers;

iii) Abstracts of symposia and papers (500-600 words each).


Proposals should be sent to:



Site desenvolvido com o apoio 

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